Privacy Policy

Effective from 17th Nov, 2023

Opencoolsis committed to protecting your privacy. We have created this Privacy Policy so that you can easily understand how we protect the data and other related information we collect from you.

This Privacy Policy applies to OpencoolsCorporation, referred to in this Privacy Policy as "we," "our," or "OpencoolsCorporation." Opencoolsprovides engaging content.

This Privacy Policy is always available to the public, so you can read the full text of this Privacy Policy whenever you need or wish to read the Opencoolswebsite. Opencoolswill notify you of any changes to the Privacy Policy by posting a revision or amendment on its website.


2.1. Personally Identifiable Data - Data that can be used to uniquely identify, contact or locate a person, or can be used in conjunction with other sources to uniquely identify a person (eg name, email address).

2.2. Pseudonymous Data – Pseudonymous data identifies the holder as one or more persons who have but do not disclose their real name (eg "user 1234", not user Mike Miller).

2.3. Cookies – Cookies are small text files of information sent to your browser by the server operating the website and then stored there for later retrieval. When you visit a website, cookies are accessed by servers to ensure that your preferences are maintained, which helps you view and use our website more efficiently. In addition, cookies tell us how often you visit the site, how you use it and what information you are interested in. In this way, we can provide content and services optimized for your needs.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can refuse cookies or selectively accept certain cookies by adjusting the preferences in your browser. If you turn off cookies, you may not be able to use some features of our website and some web pages may not display properly. You can choose to enable or disable cookies. You can use or to opt out of many ad serving cookies from the European Union.

2.4. Pixel tags (or web beacons) – A pixel tag is a small string of code that provides a means of sending a graphic image on a web page to transmit information, such as the IP address of the computer that downloaded the web page where a web beacon appears, where a pixel tag The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the page containing the pixel, the time the page containing the pixel was viewed, the type of browser that retrieved the pixel, and the identification number of any cookie on your computer before it was placed by this server.

2.5. IP Address – An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (eg computer, printer) participating in the Internet. We only store IP addresses as necessary to provide the service or if this is legally necessary.

General information on data processing and security

3.1. We collect and process personally identifiable data within the scope of your registration and services and only to the extent necessary for the conclusion and performance of our contractual relationships, fulfillment of requests or billing purposes.

3.2. Your personal data is used for the following purposes:

To provide you with our services

To ensure an efficient user experience, maintenance, technical support and security of our Services

Technical notices about our services

To respond to your requests and inquiries

3.3. We take organizational, contractual and technical security measures to ensure compliance with the provisions of the data policy law, so that the data we manage is protected against accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. These security measures are regularly monitored and updated as necessary in accordance with industry standards.

3.4. We have the right to disclose and submit data for criminal prosecution and risk prevention purposes, as stipulated in the applicable terms.

3.5. If, within the framework of this Privacy Policy, content, tools or other means and media are used by other suppliers (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Third Party Suppliers") whose registered office is located abroad, it is assumed that the data will be transferred to the third party The country where the third-party provider's registered office is located. Data transfers to third countries are either based on legal authorization, user consent, or specific clauses in contracts which stipulate the legally required data security.

Server log file

4.1. During each visit to our services, information about IP address, access provider, referring URL, date/time, browser type and version and operating system, amount and status of transmitted data are stored in web server log files middle.

4.2. We use log data only for the operation, security and optimization of our servers as required by law, and not for any other personal or pseudonymous analysis as required by law.

Use of Google Marketing and ReMarketing Services

5.1. We use the marketing and remarketing services (hereinafter referred to as the “Google Marketing Services”) provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountian View, CA 94043, USA.

5.2. The Google Marketing Services enable us to display ads for and on our Websites and Service in a more targeted manner so that users are only shown ads which might actually be of interest to them. For this purpose, as soon as the user accesses our Websites, or other websites on which Google Marketing Services have been activated, Google immediately executes a Google code and so called re/marketing tags (invisible graphics or code) are integrated into the Website. With the help of these tags, an individual cookie, is stored on the users’ device (comparable technology can be used instead of cookies). The cookies can be set from various domains, including and This file keeps a record of which websites the user visits, what content he/she is interested in and which offers he/she has clicked on, as well as technical information about the browser and operating system, referring websites, time of access and other details about the use of the website content. The users’ IP address is also recorded, whereby we, within the context of Google Analytics, would like to point out that, within member states of the European Union or in other countries that are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the IP address is truncated and only transmitted in its entirety to a Google server in the US and truncated there in exceptional cases. The IP address will not be linked with any of the user’s data from other services offered by Google. The aforementioned information can also be combined with equivalent information from other sources. If the user visits other websites afterwards, he/she can only be shown the ads that directly reflect his/her interests.

5.3. Within the scope of Google Marketing Services, the users’ data is processed pseudonymously. This means that Google does not, for example, store and process the users’ name or e-mail address, instead processing the relevant data on the basis of the cookies within pseudonymous user profiles. In other words, from Google’s point of view, the ads are managed and displayed for the cookie owner, regardless of who the cookie owner is, rather than for a specifically identified person. This shall not apply where the user has expressly permitted Google to process the data without this pseudonymization. The information collected about the users via “DoubleClick” shall be transmitted to Google and stored on Google’s servers in the US.

5.4. On the basis of Google Marketing Services, we integrate third-party “DoubleClick“ ads. DoubleClick uses cookies that enable Google and its partner websites to run ads based on users visiting this or other websites.

5.5. On the basis of Google Marketing Services, we also integrate third-party “AdSense“ ads. AdSense uses cookies that enable Google and its partner websites to run ads based on users visiting this or other websites.

5.6. You can find further information on Google’s use of data for marketing purposes on the site map:, Google’s privacy policy can be viewed at

5.7. If you wish to object to the collection of data by Google Marketing Services, you can use the settings and opt-out functions provided by Google:

Third party content

6.1. Third-party content, such as videos from YouTube, RSS feeds, tests, games, text or graphics from other services, may be embedded in the Services.

6.2. This always assumes that the third-party provider of this content uses the IP address of the user. This is because without an IP address, they cannot send content to the corresponding user's browser. Therefore, an IP address is required to display this content.

6.3. We try to only use the content for which the respective third-party provider uses the IP address solely for the purpose of distributing the content. Third-party vendors may also use pixel tags to collect information for statistical or marketing purposes. Through the use of pixel tags, simple operations such as the anonymous recording and collection of website visitor traffic allow the creation of user profiles. Pseudonym information may also be stored in cookies on your device, including technical information such as your browser or operating system, details of how you use our services and interactions with content displayed by third party providers. This information may be combined with such data collected from other sources.

6.4. In the following, we will inform you about the third-party providers we work with, their privacy policies and details about their data collection and ways to opt-out of their data collection.

Cloudflare (a content delivery network that helps us deliver service content faster, especially large media files such as images or scripts, using a globally distributed network of servers): YouTube, Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, video-content, Privacy Policy: , Opt-Out: https://www.

Service, notification and deletion of data

7.1. We will provide you with information about your personally identifiable data stored by us at any time, free of charge and without undue delay, as required by law. See contact information on our website.

7.2. Furthermore, you may revoke the approval granted by confirming this Privacy Policy, lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, and correct, delete or block your personally identifiable data at any time with future effect.

7.3. We will delete stored personal data as soon as it is no longer required for its purpose and all statutory storage obligations have been complied with.

Google Analytics and Other Third-party Analytics Tool

8.1. We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses cookies, text files that are saved on users’ computers and allow the use of our Service to be analyzed. The information generated on the user’s use of our Service by the cookie is transmitted to a Google server in the US where it is saved.

8.2 We also use the function User ID in order to track data on user interaction with our Service. This User ID is anonymized and encrypted and will be except for its pseudonymous use not be processed with other data of a user in a way that makes the user identifiable.

8.3. Google will use this information on our behalf in order to assess users’ use of our Service, in order to compile reports on the activities within our Service and in order to provide additional services for us associated with the use of our Service and Internet use.

8.4. In case IP-anonymization is activated on this Service, your IP address will be truncated within the area of Member State of European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the whole IP address will be first transferred to a Googler server in U.S. and truncated there.

8.5. We use the Analytics features for marketing, Google Display Network impressions, DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration and Google Analytics reports on demographics and user interests. You can prevent Google from using Google Analytics for display ads and customize ads on the Google Display Network at:

8.6. The IP address that your Browser conveys within the scope of Google Analytics, will not be associated with other data held by Google. Users can prevent cookies being saved through the appropriate setting on their browser software, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this Service. You can opt-out being tracked by Google Analytics with effect for the future by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add on for your current web browser:

8.7. You can find further information on Google’s use of data for marketing purposes on the site map:, Google’s privacy policy can be viewed at If you wish to object to the collection of data by Google Marketing Services, you can use the settings and opt-out functions provided by Google:

8.8. We use other third-party analytics tools provided by other third-parties (hereinafter “Third Party Analytics Providers”) in order to improve the quality of Service through assessment of users’ behavior using our Service. Third Party Analytics Providers use cookies, pixel tags and text files that are saved on users’ computers and allow the use of our Service to be analyzed.

8.7. In the following, we will inform you on the other Third Party Analytics Providers we work with, their privacy policy with detailed information on their data collection and ways to opt-out from their data collection.

Facebook Pixel, privacy policy: , Pixel opt-out: [link], Facebook application settings: Twitter Analytics, privacy policy:, Twitter setting changes: ,

Amendments of Privacy Policy

9.1. We have right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy from time to time and, in such case, we will make a public notice of it on this Privacy Policy page and obtain consent from the users if required by relevant laws

9.2. Please check back periodically, and especially before you provide any new personally identifiable information.

Person in charge of protection of information

In order to protect information and handle their complaints related to the Opencools’s use of information, the Opencoolsdesignates the relevant department and Personal Information Management Officer as below. If you have any complaints in regards to personal information while using the service, please report it to the Personal Information Management Officer, we will review your complaint. Our privacy team will look into your complaint and provide a response. You will need to provide sufficient information for us to evaluate your complaint and we may ask you to provide additional information as a condition of evaluating your complaint.

E-mail:[email protected]


Opencoolsprovides you with interesting information and is well worth your trust.

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